Theme song: “Black Sheep” by: Dorothy (The New Breed Theme)
Also “Enemy” By: Tommee Profitt
Entrance: Entrance: All members of The New Breed come out together, no matter if it’s a singles match or tag match. The Theme hits with:
“Hail Hail the Black Sheep, We are blood, we are family..
Call me a outcast, call me a freak
Watch those bullets ricochet straight off of me..”
( Hunter always walks out first but stands waiting for everyone to come and stand beside him.)
Cause I belong where right is wrong..”
(Colton walks out)
Don’t give a damn what people think..
(Cassie walks out)
I march along to a different song..
(Colton and Cassie make their way to Hunter and stand one on each side of him)
Whoa I feel it deep in my bones
I was born to break every curse every chain
So I’m singing…
Hail Hail the Black Sheep, We are blood, we are family..
(Summer walks out)
Hail Hail the Black Sheep
Thicker than water, thick as thieves
(Summer walks and stands beside Cassie)
Oh how the river runs deep
We are blood, we are family
Hail hail the black sheep
(They all start walking to the ring together side by side)
Can’t shut me up, won’t bite my tongue
Speak my truth till the day is done
I’m not ashamed I own my pain
Never was lost but I found my way
(Hunter & Colton hop up on the ring apron and lower the ropes for Summer and Cassie to slide in)
Always knew I’d show my scars one day
For the rules I broke helped me build my throne.
(Hunter and Colton now slide into the ring)
Whoa I’m right where I belong
Now I’m singing
Hail Hail the Black Sheep
We are blood
We are family..
(All of New Breed stand in the center of the ring until music fades)
Pray the lord my soul to keep
Hail hail the black sheep
Thicker than water, thick as thieves
Oh how the river runs deep
We are blood we are family
Hail hail the black sheep
Haaaaaail the black sheep yeah…. X 2
Music fades
Name: Cassandra “Cassie” Hurst (Vanity)
Height: 5’7
Weight: 120lbs (Athletic built)
Hometown: San Antonio, TX
Character Look-a-like: Anna Kournikova
2nd Generation New Breed
Ring Attire: Cassie wears an array of different type T-shirts (her favorite Rock/Punk artist/band) New Breed logo t-shirt, with black or red wrestling shorts, and Black Balenciaga Tennis shoes with red trim and the words “New Breed” written on the outside heel of both. (She is no Diva and despises being called one) Her blonde hair is always hanging down as just a tab bit longer than shoulder length.
Distinguished marks/scars/tattoos: Cassie has what looks like a small heart-shaped birth mark on the back of her neck, hidden by her hair. The words, “Always and Forever” written inside a heart with black trim and small red hearts around the outside are tattooed on her right forearm. A Black wolf head with dripping blood coming from the open mouth and a collar that reads New Breed tattooed on her left calf and finally two baseball bats crossing together with blood droplets and a series of smaller bats all around with the phrase “Rules and bones were made to be broken” written on each bat, tattooed on her right thigh.
Attitude: Cassie is the “face” of the bunch. More neutral than anything. To her, The New Breed is a “Family vow”, like a curse. She was born into it, raised up in it, but doesn’t follow it 100%. She loves to fight/wrestle, but she does not believe in playing dirty. She wants to “earn” her way. She will feel cheated if she wins by interference. She has the fighting spirit of her father and is nothing like her mother. She hates being called a diva and does not act the part. She is the younger female version of Hunter. However, if a member of the family is in “need” she will be there.
Submission Finishing Moves: The Black Sheep: A double knee backbreaker into a cross face Cassie wraps both hands around her opponent’s neck under their chin. She then pulls back, applying pressure to the neck and forcing her opponent to tap out or pass out. Her variation often involves bridging her opponent’s back for even more pressure and leverage.
Signature Finisher Move: The Sundrop: This move is a spectacular springboard backflip senton. Cassie launches herself off the ropes or the turnbuckle, performs a graceful backflip, and lands on her opponent lying on the mat. The impact is both visually stunning and punishing for her adversary.
Signature Move: The Reign of Vanity: Cassie sets up her opponents, positioning them for impact. Then, in a sudden burst of energy, she twists her body mid-air, driving her shoulder into the opponent’s chest or head. The force of the twist adds extra impact to the move, making it a visually striking and effective attack.
Other Moves used: Hammerlock Inverted DDT / Fisherman’s Neck breaker / Leg Lariate / Headbutt / Shin Breaker / Devastating Spear
History: At a very young age both Cassie and her brother Colton traveled around the world with their wrestling parents. Having gone all over the United States, Canada and Japan, the two spent the majority of their school years training in the sport. It wasn’t until Colton’s Jr. High School years that Summer decided to give her children the taste of the Texas Public School system. Colton being 3 years older, got the taste a wee bit earlier, as Cassie stayed home schooled and trained with her mother in the ring. Once of age, Cassie’s focus wasn’t on boys like most teen girls, she was athletic and into sports of any kind that inflicted bodily harm. A true pain junkie like her father.
Trying out for multiple sports, she was turned down because she was a female. Texas was and still is a predominate football state, and females are not welcomed into the sport. One afternoon, upon High School tryouts, Cassie took her stand on the football field of Smithson Valley dressed out and ready to prove herself to her peers and coaches, Cassie stood on the defensive line and speared everyone that stood in front of her, taking down boys twice her size; even quick enough to get back to her feet going after the sack of the QB. Impressed was an understatement from the coaching staff, they tried her at right guard, where she held her own against the team’s all pro defensive lineman; only to be knocked on her feet a couple times out of several attempts. The coaches tried her at center, where she got the block, pulling her man to the ground after every snap. It wasn’t until the quarterback on the team noticed the smaller, yet feminine looking rear end of Cassie, that everyone would stop and make her remove her helmet.
Shocked, the players laughed at the teammates who were “victimized” by Cassie and those that had been, were angry. The coaching staff could not believe a “girl” took on their roster of players and held her own against their college bound all-stars. Cassie, proving her point to the coaching staff, tossed their helmet to the ground and slid the jersey off her back and shoving it into the chest of the defensive lineman she stood toe-to-toe with. Walking passed everyone, the QB on the team noticed the last name that was printed on the backpack she picked up and slung over her right shoulder and shouted out to her. “I see you Little Hurst!” Cassie turned back with a crooked smile, much like her mother’s and walked away getting on the back of Colton’s motorcycle.
Cassie tried her hand at softball, swinging a bat was what her mother and father both seemed to be very good at, however it was not physical enough for her. The school did not have a wrestling team, so Cassie just sat back, worked out at home, and trained further with her parents until coming of age to start her own career in the sport.
That time hit Cassie in her senior year in High School, being able to commit on a college scholarship to Rice University. While in college, Cassie and Colton both took the square circle with a local Indie federation in the tag team division. Did not take them long to reach the top of the ladder and became a devastating duo, much like their parents before them. Although their parents never tagged together, they both had their fair share of tag action. For over 2 years the Hurst kids maintained their titles until a devastating turn of events outside the ring stripped them of their long-term run. Colton being injured in a motorcycle accident and Cassie being victim to a brutal sexual assault at the hands of her college sweetheart, Damon Mikaelson’s father, Dominic; the most ruthless mob boss in all of Texas.
(fast forward 5 years) Cassie has struggled with her past, having created a darker version of her psyche to help cope with everything, this persona’s name is Vanity. She is everything ruthless that Cassie is not. Vanity has the same lust for blood as Cassie, only personified and even surpassing her father’s threshold for pain. Vanity is the bastard child of everything evil and she makes everyone in her path aware of it.
Titles Held: HMW (Heavy Metal Wrestling) Tag Team Champion w/ Colton 2017-2022
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