Theme: “Black Sheep” By Dorothy (The New Breed Theme) IF Summer is in a singles match
“Villain Era” By Bryce Savage will be played after Black Sheep is played until Summer’s Entrance, then it switches to “Villain Era”
Entrance: All members of The New Breed come out together, no matter if it’s a singles match or tag match. The Theme hits with:
“Hail Hail the Black Sheep, We are blood, we are family..
Call me a outcast, call me a freak
Watch those bullets ricochet straight off of me..”
( Hunter always walks out first but stands waiting for everyone to come and stand beside him.)
Cause I belong where right is wrong..”
(Colton walks out)
Don’t give a damn what people think..
(Cassie walks out)
I march along to a different song..
(Colton and Cassie make their way to Hunter and stand one on each side of him)
Whoa I feel it deep in my bones
I was born to break every curse every chain
So I’m singing…
Hail Hail the Black Sheep, We are blood, we are family..
(Summer walks out)
Hail Hail the Black Sheep
Thicker than water, thick as thieves
(Summer walks and stands beside Cassie)
Oh how the river runs deep
We are blood, we are family
Hail hail the black sheep
(They all start walking to the ring together side by side)
Can’t shut me up, won’t bite my tongue
Speak my truth till the day is done
I’m not ashamed I own my pain
Never was lost but I found my way
(Hunter & Colton hop up on the ring apron and lower the ropes for Summer and Cassie to slide in)
Always knew I’d show my scars one day
For the rules I broke helped me build my throne.
(Hunter and Colton now slide into the ring)
Whoa I’m right where I belong
Now I’m singing
Hail Hail the Black Sheep
We are blood
We are family..
(All of New Breed stand in the center of the ring until music fades)
Pray the lord my soul to keep
Hail hail the black sheep
Thicker than water, thick as thieves
Oh how the river runs deep
We are blood we are family
Hail hail the black sheep
Haaaaaail the black sheep yeah…. X 2
Music fades
“Sassy” Summer Kensington-Hurst
Height: 5’8
Weight: 135lbs (muscle tone, but sexy)
From: San Antonio, TX
Character look-a-like: Former WWE Sable
Blonde hair/Blue eyes
Founding Member of New Breed
Ring Attire: Wears her hair in a braided ponytail mostly when she is wrestling, depending on match/mood, it can be let down. She is dressed in a black cat suit like outfit depending on mood, what it will look like and black thigh high boots. She is always dressed in black.
Trademark Personal Items: Her body is more than any needed weapon. But she can swing a bat, and a steel chair like a hot knife through butter and make contact every single time.
The words, “Always and Forever” written inside a heart with black trim and small red hearts around the outside are tattooed on the back of her neck. A Black wolf head with dripping blood coming from the open mouth and a collar that reads New Breed tattooed on the back of her left shoulder and finally two baseball bats crossing together with blood droplets and a series of smaller bats all around with the phrase “Rules and bones were made to be broken” written on each bat, tattooed on her right calf.
Summer’s Catch Phrase: “Don’t take this ass whippin’ personally, you’re just collateral damage, baby!”
New Breed Catch Phrase: “Where rules and bones were made to be broken!”
Alignment: Mega Heel- Her ONLY ALLIANCE is The New Breed and its members (Family)
Everyone else is considered an enemy.
Finisher: The Sassy Effect: A top rope Hurricanrana which she can turn into a pin also sometimes ala Frankenstiener.
Set up to Finisher: Summertime: A Spinning jawbreaker kick, precisely delivered.
Submission Finishers: The Villain Era: Seated Fujiwara armbar (Darby Allin move) (This is mainly used in singles matches
Submission Finisher #2: “Sassy Pants”: Mandible Claw (Nerve Pinch) This move, Summer will reach inside her pants and pulls off the panties she is wearing and use them. (She will be wearing snap on panties) This finisher is only used on men.
Signature Move: Sassinator: Summer grabs opponent by the hair, straddling their head between her legs. She then sways her hips while hugging their head with her thighs and lifts her opponent up slightly and she falls into a seated position driving her opponent’s head onto the mat.
Tag Team Finisher w/ Hunter: Sweet Kiss Goodnight: Hunter gives a hard clothesline knocking the person to the ground as Summer comes off the top rope with a frog splash.
Tag Team Move: Gut Check: Hunter holds person up & Summer hits a running spear
Other moves: Hip Toss, Baseball slide, clothesline, snapmare and kick to the back, Jacknife hold pin, double leg take down. The master of low blows!
Strengths: Summer has great mobility, and speed. Her overpowering beauty is well spoken for in many of her defense tactics. She is the master of mind games and manipulation. Her sexuality makes for a perfect set up. She is also a very smart and an unpredictable woman...you will NEVER know what she is capable of doing next. Summer also never underestimates her opponents while getting ready for the master set up, she has in mind. Summer will focus on anyone’s weak points and use them to her advantage. She is also one of the best Submission holders in the wrestling biz today.!!
Weaknesses: A tremendous ego, lack of strength and anger, which will inflict unauthorized pain on anyone nearby. Tries not to but can cause a DQ. Not often as she knows it will cost The New Breed a loss. IF a DQ will favor the New Breed, she will do it every time!
Attitude: The nick name says it all, “Sassy”, Summer’s only passion in the ring is to make her opponents suffer. She will do it by any means necessary. Her beauty and body are her weapons, and she will use them to her or stablemate’s advantage every single time. If for some odd reason, that fails, she resorts to baseball bats and steel chairs!
Background: Summer came into the wrestling world in search of a former teen lover and ex model, Kirk Visconty. Summer was 16 years old when she met and fell in love with Kirk. Kirk was already in the modeling business and working on a career in the porn industry. Kirk being five years older than Summer, the two had a secret relationship until Summer came of age. The two modeled together with the discretion of Summer’s older brother, Elijah Kensington, one of Texas’ most elite agents in the business. Upon turning 18, Summer’s biggest role was about to take place as the cover of Sports Illustrated Magazine. From there, Summer’s brother, booked her to the “Underworld”, Australia. There she met up once again with her sweetheart, Kirk, who was filming in the same area. The two again took several photo shoots together and were deemed the “Hottest couple” in the industry.
Kirk, now 23, was getting tired of the modeling scene and went on a journey into the wrestling world as a friend in the business said his company was looking for the “playboy” type storyline and with Kirk’s porn background, saw him as the perfect candidate.
Begging Summer to go along with him, she turned him down. She was not ready to drop her newfound success on a “Stupid” wrestling contract. So, the two split ways and Kirk headed back to the states to start his wrestling career.
(Fast forward 2 years) Summer and Kirk had kept in touch over the years until it finally came to a hault, upon Kirk’s 2nd year in the business. Summer not taking it well, decided to stop modeling for a while in pursuit of finding Kirk. Summer had kept up and followed Kirk’s career on the down low; She showed up one night at a PPV event where Kirk was defending his Title. Once the match was over and the referee was about to hand him the belt, Cheri, his manager/girlfriend at the time slid into the ring taking the title from Kirk, known as “The Pied Piper” holding it in the air. It was at that moment Summer stepped out of the crowd to face Kirk, just as he planted a kiss on Cheri. Unknowing to him that Summer now stood on the ring’s apron, he turns after the kiss to see his former love in tears.
Summer jumped from the apron and began to walk backstage with Kirk in a hurry to chase after her. Cheri not liking the situation, calls out to Kirk. A fan in the stands recognized Summer from her magazine covers and gets a chant started with her name. This drew the attention of General Manager, Johnny Hawke. He saw the potential “Love Triangle” storyline and wanted to offer Summer a contract. Upon her refusal, Hawke offered her a chance at revenge. Offered her the storyline and made a contract offer with three times the salary of her modeling career if she signed a contract. Being young, and naive, Summer signed the papers and became an official EWA Wrestler.
Months passed as Summer’s career skyrocketed landing her title shots and popularity, especially among the male population. She was every man’s dream and every woman’s threat.
Rising to the top quickly by any means necessary, Summer’s quick romantic saga with General Manager Hawke, quickly led to all kinds of enemies among the rosters. Both Men and Women had their eyes focused upon her.
Years passed, betrayals were made, enemies battled, matches both won and lost, Summer’s career was one of the most famous of all time in the wrestling profession as she schemed her way up the ladder to every victory she held. This is where Summer met Steven “Hunter” Hurst and GYON; after months of in-ring action, the three formed the Iconic Stable, The New Breed. The triage was an unstoppable force. Summer, the EWA’s Women’s Champion, Hunter holding the Hardcore Title and Gyon with multiple Championship belts.
GM Hawke was beginning to get a little jealous of Summer’s newly found stable mates as their faction dominated through his roster of henchmen. Hawke threatened to pull Summer’s contract if she did not leave the faction and come join him. Hawke was undoubtfully in love with Summer; however, her focus was solely upon rising to the top of the business and regaining the love of The Pied Piper, Tho sadly, the love of Piper, did not happen for her.
As the EWA shut down due to GM Hawke’s financial issues, Some of the Roster found jobs at a once defunct federation, the W4.
While in the W4, Summer accomplished what very few have in the short length of time, after her first Title shot, by Lynx, a former W4 Cruiser Weight Title Holder, Lynx dropped her Title to Sassy, for reason's still unknown. Since her victory over Lynx, Summer had remained a undefeated Champion, facing numerous of the best Cruiser Weights in the Federation...Summer schemed her way to every Victory. Upon one of her Victories, she came to meet John "The Beast" Steele.
She studied with him and trained under his supervision, the two became slightly involved, but troubles gave them a bit of a setback. A near Fatal plane crash nearly ended their lives together. When it turned out to be the wrong plane, and Summer pulling a disappearing act on everyone making it to be believed she was dead, things just went downhill from there. To this day, the two aren't amongst speaking terms.
There, Hawke took it upon himself to induct himself into The New Breed by threatening contracts and stripping them of their Titles.
It was then, Summer was forced into a “Power Couple” storyline with Hawke to boost ratings. Much to Summer’s dislike, it drove the final nail into her and Piper’s future. Stepping away from the idea, Summer’s ego, and hunger for power, steamrolled Hawke as a way of revenge on Piper. Summer now being the first W4’s Woman’s Champion since the reopen, her reign lasted well over 2 years, as no one stood a chance against the New Breed and Johnny Hawke along her side. Hawke was beginning to fill his cup of ego as well and started making demands on the other members of New Breed, by “jobbing” them to undercards and lowering their ranks if they did not perform as he wanted. Both Hunter and GYON had enough, the two sat down with Summer and discussed plans of ridding themselves of Hawke for good.
It took months, but upon the “wedding day” of Summer & Hawke, the triage once again came out on top as Summer attacked Ms. Cheri, who was there as witness along with Piper. As Hawke and Piper exchanged blows, Summer found it in her heart to assist Piper, and turned-on Hawke in the center of the ring. It was then Gyon and Hunter began to attack Hawke with a bat and chair, leaving him and Piper unconscious in the ring. Summer’s final stance was standing along side Gyon and Hunter with her boot planted on the chest of Hawke while smiling down upon Kirk’s frail body as Cheri looked on in shock.
This was Summer’s first taste of “blood” the rush of the attack that night drew the attention of the “Dark One” Cade Sardonic. Her lust for blood, revenge and inflicting bodily harm was all he needed to weasel his influence on an unexpecting new follower.
Cade’s influence over Summer had her turning her back on her stable mates. Something not tolerated by Gyon and Hunter. Summer’s ranks were beginning to fall amongst the roster, and she lost her long-time running title to Raine Dawson, as she had lost all focus on the strategy in the ring, and she no longer had the support of Gyon and Hunter. Needing a break, and to free herself from Cade’s influence, Summer took a LOA but Cade’s will was too strong. She sent in a long-time friend, Megan Forester to help aid New Breed in her absence.
Months later, Summer was reunited with Hunter in XCW and reformed the New Breed once more but without GYON, and with Cade and Megan. Cade’s hold on Summer was strong, she tried to fight his dark control over her; for a long time coming, yet unacknowledged feelings for Hunter would slowly surface. It was then, after the Extreme Revolution PPV, Summer discovered Hunter and Megan’s marriage, and New Breed was once again torn apart. Summer’s depression after hearing the news, ignited Cade’s control even more. Her lust for revenge by any means was all she thought about. Hearing the couple’s entrance into the UWF, sparked fuel into the fire. Megan was set to face Down Under in a Hardcore match, Summer not on the roster, made quite an impact by giving Down Under tips to exploit Megan’s weakness and by having Hunter detained in the locker room; that he won the match. Summer’s evil grin, and sardonic attitude after would be priceless. Megan, upset, left Hunter high and dry. And unexpectedly to Cade at the time, left Summer smiling.
Summer had left Cade, met up with Gyon and went on in talks of reuniting the original New Breed, they met up with Hunter and talked him into joining them in IWF. Hunter had finally slipped back into his old ways after Megan left him, and things were looking promising until GYON was injured and forced to retire. From there, Megan, Hunter’s ex-wife, appeared with Cade and targeted Summer with his influence once again. The two forced Summer into targeting Hunter as a form of revenge.
During one of Hunter’s matches, Summer was influenced to trap Hunter on the catwalk, high above the arena floor. Megan and Cade then cut the cables, launching Hunter off the catwalk, down to the arena floor. Summer, distraught at the events tried to get to Hunter, but was also trapped up top once the cables were cut.
Hunter was immediately taken to the hospital where he had to have emergency surgery on his spine. He was confined to a wheelchair. After weeks of guilt, Summer broke the connection to Cade and was finally able to go to Hunter’s side. For Months, she pushed, and she drove him beyond his limits until he got better, never again leaving his side. Summer’s dream had finally come true, as the two were married and have been together ever since.
It was not long after they married, Summer had to take a break from wrestling, to raise 2 children while Hunter went back out on the circuit. Summer becoming his manager up until the birth of their two kids, Colton, and Cassie. Once old enough, the kids traveled with their parents, as Summer still managed Hunter, and wrestled every now and then. Both Summer and Hunter trained Colton & Cassie in the ring and when they both came of age, the two decided to follow in their parents’ footsteps.
Titles held: EWA Woman’s Champion, EWA World Champion (Which was stolen from her by Johnny Hawke, former champ) W4, Cruiser Weight Champion (undefeated), W4 Woman’s Champion x2, XCW Woman’s Champion, IWF Woman’s Champion
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