After this point, things will get a little more interesting.  After an almost 20-year hiatus in the efedding world, we take our first step back at it with the basics of Character Developmental role plays.  ALL roleplays will be categorized with CD (Character Development), the letter M (for Match) PPV (For Pay per View) and SE (Special Event) all marked with a number after to signify the order.  

Hunter and I would just like to express our gratitude for allowing a couple of "old timers" the chance to get back into the swing of things again, and to see if we still have what it takes to hang with the younger generations.  One thing remains to be seen however, is if the younger generation can keep up with us "old timers". 

with that, I will leave this post with a quote from one of my favorite movies; "Let the games begin!" 


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