Theme song: “Black Sheep” by:  Dorothy (The New Breed Theme)

Also “Mark My Words” By:  Doll Skin


Entrance:  All members of The New Breed come out together, no matter if it’s a singles match or tag match. The Theme hits with:

 “Hail Hail the Black Sheep, We are blood, we are family..

Call me a outcast, call me a freak

Watch those bullets ricochet straight off of me..”

( Hunter always walks out first but stands waiting for everyone to come and stand beside him.)


Cause I belong where right is wrong..”

(Colton walks out)


Don’t give a damn what people think..

(Cassie walks out)


I march along to a different song..

(Colton and Cassie make their way to Hunter and stand one on each side of him)


Whoa I feel it deep in my bones

I was born to break every curse every chain

So I’m singing…

Hail Hail the Black Sheep, We are blood, we are family..

(Summer walks out)

Hail Hail the Black Sheep

Thicker than water, thick as thieves

(Summer walks and stands beside Cassie)


Oh how the river runs deep

We are blood, we are family

Hail hail the black sheep

(They all start walking to the ring together side by side)


Can’t shut me up, won’t bite my tongue

Speak my truth till the day is done

I’m not ashamed I own my pain

Never was lost but I found my way

(Hunter & Colton hop up on the ring apron and lower the ropes for Summer and Cassie to slide in)


Always knew I’d show my scars one day

For the rules I broke helped me build my throne.

(Hunter and Colton now slide into the ring)


Whoa I’m right where I belong

Now I’m singing

Hail Hail the Black Sheep

We are blood

We are family..

(All of New Breed stand in the center of the ring until music fades)

Pray the lord my soul to keep

Hail hail the black sheep

Thicker than water, thick as thieves

Oh how the river runs deep

We are blood we are family

Hail hail the black sheep

Haaaaaail the black sheep yeah…. X 2

Music fades

Name:   Colton Hurst

Height:   6’2”

Weight:   225 lbs

Hometown:   San Antonio, TX

Look-a-like:   Paul Teutul Jr.

2nd Generation New Breed


Ring Attire:  Colton wears a New Breed logo t-shirt, with blue jeans. His fists are taped with black and red tape.  


Distinguished marks/scars/tattoos:  Colton is covered on his arms and chest with tattoos, and he has scars that cover his back from a motorcycle accident. On his left forearm are the words “Rules and Bones were made to be Broken.”


Attitude: Colton Is the quiet one of the group. He tries to stay levelheaded during the fight. He holds his anger till he can’t any longer. When he snaps, he his hard to stop. There have been times when it took all of the New Breed to stop him and calm him down.


Submission Finishing Moves:  The Snap Ring (Rings of Saturn)


Signature Finisher Move: The Nat 20 (The Burning Hammer)


Signature Move: The 100CC (Powerbomb into the turnbuckles.

(Setup move for his finisher.)


Other Moves used:  T Bone suplex, Short arm clothesline, Dragon suplex, Pump handle slam, Boot to the face.


History: At a very young age both Cassie and her brother Colton traveled around the world with their wrestling parents.  Having gone all over the United States, Canada and Japan, the two spent the majority of their school years training in the sport. When Colton was not traveling with his parents, he would be in the garage working on dirt bikes and motors.

He built his own motorcycle for his 16th birthday. He made money working on people’s cars in high school. He also was known for racing his motorcycle to make money. In fact when Cassie turned 16 Colton gave her a mini cooper that he had won off the school bully. He would just laugh to himself when she would leave for school. As Colton got older he would earn money by wrestling and sometimes as a bodyguard. He never cared where the money came from, he sunk it back into the motorcycles and cars he had.

 While in college, Cassie and Colton both took the square circle with a local Indie federation in the tag team division.  Did not take them long to reach the top of the ladder and became a devastating duo, much like their parents before them.  Although their parents never tagged together, they both had their fair share of tag action.  For over 2 years the Hurst kids maintained their titles until a devastating turn of events outside the ring stripped them of their long-term run.  Colton being injured in a motorcycle accident and the death of his girlfriend Sasha and Cassie being victim to a brutal sexual assault at the hands of her college sweetheart, Damon Mikaelson’s father, Dominic; the most ruthless mob boss in all of Texas.

That was five years ago. Now Colton is quiet and more serious in life. He moves forward without much purpose. Stepping back into the ring is something his family hopes brings back some kind of direction and makes him feel something again.



Titles Held:  HMW (Heavy Metal Wrestling) Tag Team Champion w/ Cassie 2017-2022

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