Theme: “Black Sheep” By Dorothy (The New Breed Theme

"Invincible" by: Adelitas Way

Entrance: All members of The New Breed come out together, no matter if it’s a singles match or tag match. The Theme hits with:


 “Hail Hail the Black Sheep, We are blood, we are family..

Call me a outcast, call me a freak

Watch those bullets ricochet straight off of me..”

( Hunter always walks out first but stands waiting for everyone to come and stand beside him.)


Cause I belong where right is wrong..”

(Colton walks out)


Don’t give a damn what people think..

(Cassie walks out)


I march along to a different song..

(Colton and Cassie make their way to Hunter and stand one on each side of him)


Whoa I feel it deep in my bones

I was born to break every curse every chain

So I’m singing…

Hail Hail the Black Sheep, We are blood, we are family..

(Summer walks out)

Hail Hail the Black Sheep

Thicker than water, thick as thieves

(Summer walks and stands beside Cassie)


Oh how the river runs deep

We are blood, we are family

Hail hail the black sheep

(They all start walking to the ring together side by side)


Can’t shut me up, won’t bite my tongue

Speak my truth till the day is done

I’m not ashamed I own my pain

Never was lost but I found my way

(Hunter & Colton hop up on the ring apron and lower the ropes for Summer and Cassie to slide in)


Always knew I’d show my scars one day

For the rules I broke helped me build my throne.

(Hunter and Colton now slide into the ring)


Whoa I’m right where I belong

Now I’m singing

Hail Hail the Black Sheep

We are blood

We are family..

(All of New Breed stand in the center of the ring until music fades)

Pray the lord my soul to keep

Hail hail the black sheep

Thicker than water, thick as thieves

Oh how the river runs deep

We are blood we are family

Hail hail the black sheep

Haaaaaail the black sheep yeah…. X 2

Music fades


Name: Steven " Hunter" Hurst

HT: 6'4"

WT: 245lbs

Age: 40

Race: Cau

Hometown: Nashville Tn.

Hair color and eye color: Black hair -blue eyes

Look-a-like- Old School WWE Bradshaw

Founding Member of New Breed


Specific Distinguished Marks: He has a scar that goes from his left eye down to the bottom of his cheek, tattoo of a Japanese dragon the starts on his right shoulder and comes over onto his chest. Also on his back he has the word "LUPIN" it is made from scars from what looks like a claw.


Ring Attire: usally come to the ring in a Titans or Vols jersey. Blue jeans are the norm for him. That is it in and out of the ring. As for shoes he wears "Wolverine" work boots black of course...


Trademark Personal Items: A black bat that is worn and used.


Catch Phrase: changes


Alignment: Whatever suits his needs at the time


Strength (1) High thresh hold for pain... (2) Good stamina can take a beating and still comeback strong... (3)Thinks quick in the ring


Moves: most used moves---suplexes- punches-kicks- side walk slam- running bulldog- double arm ddt- short arm clothesline-spinning neck breaker-spike piledriver-pumphandle slam-running boot to the face- reverse ddt-2nd rope knee drop

Trademark moves:1) "Point of No Return" crippler cross face 2) " Ultimate Destruction" Running Power bomb into the turnbuckles. 3) Belly to belly from top rope no name for this move used to set up his finisher..


Finisher: The Coffin Nail


Finisher Description:" The Coffin Nail"(inverted DVD) Most time Hunter will use this move after hitting the belly to belly from the top rope. Hunter will pick the man up off the mat and place him in a torture rack type position then come down with the DVD. This move is not used in all matches this is saved for big matches and if he has tried everything for the win. It takes a bit to set up but when done right it is very devastating move


Attitude: Hunter starts the fights he doesn't wait on them. He says what he means and does what he says. He might like to drink a bit but never to where he can't perform. Hunter will not back down. He might get it his ass kicked but the other guy is going to know that he was in a match with Hunter. A pain junky the crazier and dangerous the match the better he likes it...


Background: Steven Hurst is a ex-Navy Seabee. In the Seabee's people are two major things. #1 how to build and fix things #2 how to drink and fight. Steven mastered all of that fairly quickly. After he was in the Navy and got out he pretty much went from job site to job site. He was bored with work and moved back to Nashville where he hooked up with a old friend who was wrestling in a indy fed on the weekends and working construction during the week. Steven stopped in and watched a couple of shows now and then tossing back a couple of beers. One Saturday night his buddy was on the wrong side of a 4 on 1 attack and Steven having one too many beers jumped in the ring to help his friend. They cleared the ring and the promoter offered Steven a spot in the fed as a enforcer. Steven took the job and the 150$ extra a week. You know beer is not free. Steven stayed there for awhile till the owner of a little European fed offered him a job in the DDW. Steven flew to Holland where the fed was run from along with his friend they were introduced as brothers Blade and Kross. They started a stable know as the Death Squad and ran over the entire fed.

The members in the Death Squad getting worried that Steven was getting to in control had him taken out before a show. Steven was in the hospital for 6 months. He did not waste time though he planned his revenge to the smallest detail. When he came back he started taking out his old stable mates one by one. It happened everywhere. In the ring, backstage. gas station. The final act was done when the DDW went to Scotland. Steven went face to face with his friend from back home Kross. The fought in a match on the docks of Lock Ness. By this time the announcers had coined Steven with the name Blade the Hunter. Steven shortened it after the match. He went by the Name Hunter and it seemed to fit him..

Well like everything else the DDW closed and Hunter moves to the next fed . He found a home in the W4 where he was pushed to the top of the hardcore division. He had battles that went down as some of the bloodiest ever. This where he was carved up by Lupin and scared with his name.

(Fast forward 3 years)

Hunter was a founding member of the New Breed. He and his Tag team partner Gyon had the Ewf Tag titles and were on top of the world. Then in a match with the Whirlybirdz they lost them. Gyon not taking good walked out on the New Breed leaving Hunter with no partner and no direction. Then the other founding member of the New Breed left to make wedding plans. Sassy sent her friend Megan Forrester to help fill the gap. Before the Re-Birth PPV Megan and Hunter attacked MVP and his sister. Right then they knew they were suppose to be together. Not as some loving couple but as a true ass kicking couple. They have fun be it in the ring beating people or in a run down bar beating up the loudmouth drunks that Hit on Megan. They have made a very strong tag team and are contenders for the EwF tag titles.

Hunter and Megan made their way to the XCW where they were joined by Summer and Cade in a new version of the New Breed. After Extreme Revolution PPV. Hunter being able to contain himself no longer drove himself and Megan to Vegas where they were married. Now with a new outlook and a new wife Hunter is once again focused. He and Megan are going to go through life doing two things. Loving each other and kicking everyone ass...

The two of them went one to the UWF where their stay was not long. Megan after losing a match with Down Under lost it and leaving a note for Hunter in the back telling him that she has lost the focus needed to be effective. When he arrived home all her things were gone. Hunter slipped into a deep depression and his old friends were there to pick him back up. Sassy and Gyon got him to go to the IWF with him. Now harder to control than before Hunter is set on showing the world pain and suffering, it is all he feels and all he is going to make everyone else feel the same thing

After making peace with Megan's leaving Hunter got back into the ring in the IWF. He was in a last man standing match when things took a turn for the worse and Hunter was attacked by his old Stable mates and Megan hung and left for dead Hunter faded into the background for a long time. Then out of nowhere GYON came back to get him back in the game with a new found hatred for everyone Hunter is back and ready to show the world what Hardcore is truly about.

Well Gyon got hurt and had to retire. Then things went bad to worse. Hunter’s ex-wife came back only to join in a stable that had targeted Hunter. During a Match the stable trapped Hunter on the catwalk above the arena floor. Then Megan, Summer and Cade launched Hunter off the catwalk to the arena floor below. Hunter was confined to a wheel chair after that. He had given up everything until an unlikely person came to help him. Summer full of guilt came to Hunter to help with his rehab. She pushed him and he got better. After awhile they could not fight it any longer and got married. Since then Hunter has been absent from the ring...

 It was not long after they married, Summer had to take a break from wrestling, to raise 2 children while Hunter went back out on the circuit.  Summer becoming his manager up until the birth of their two kids, Colton, and Cassie.  Once old enough, the kids traveled with their parents, as Summer still managed Hunter, and wrestled every now and then.  Both Summer and Hunter trained Colton & Cassie in the ring and when they both came of age, the two decided to follow in their parents’ footsteps.



Titles Held:W4- Hardcore Champion / -W4- RAGE Champion / -W4- Tag Team Champion (2) / DDW Hardcore Champ / DDW Heavy Weight Champ / DDW Tag Team Champ (2) / SWF Tag Team Champ / LLW Hardcore Champ / LLW Tag Team Champ / NWF TV Champ / EWA Hardcore Champ / EwF Tag Team Champion w/ Gyon /ACWL Extreme Champ

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